Use "develop|developed|developing|develops" in a sentence

1. Atypically developing children also develop within atypical environments

2. Afric develops new and more equitable practices and approaches appropriate for the developing and emerging world

3. Adverb [ADVERB after verb] If something develops or continues Apace, it is developing or continuing quickly.

4. China is a developing country while Japan is a developed one.

5. This assumption underlies literacy programmes both in the developed and developing world.

6. Agency-to-agency arrangements between developing and developed countries can be useful.

7. There is still a vast economic chasm between developed and developing countries.

8. Others recognize a style within a developing story and use it to develop the narrative.

9. Most indirect-developing species, which develop from a small egg with little yolk through planktotrophic larval stages, form a blastula with a smooth Blastular wall, whereas direct-developing species, which develop from a large yolky egg, …

10. The laws of the developing country were assimilated to those of the developed country.

11. Cigarette smokers who quit prior to developing abnormal lung function are unlikely to develop ventilatory limitations.

12. Canada was a developing colony and America too was in its initial stages of develop - ment .

13. In fact, some developing countries now had capabilities more advanced than that of developed countries.

14. All through the developed world-and now in developing countries-obesity is on the rise.

15. It was characterized primarily by the transferring of factories from the developed to the developing world.

16. Archenteron or the digestive tube is the primitive gut developed during gastrulation in the developing embryo

17. But for various reasons, the education development priority has formed the formidable contrast in the developed country, the developing country and the least developed country.

18. The final chapter contrasts the current NCC Competitiveness framework with this research and develops a set of concrete suggestions for further developing it.

19. Coast line of Davao Islands long 6800 meters, 84 bays of littoral can develop port, developed

20. Red raspberry and Backberry belong to Labour intensive industry, compared with developed countries, most of developing countries, including China, have the advantage of developing on large scale.

21. 26 With inventory management information system developing widely and deeply, inventory decision support system has been a develop direction.

22. Conversion Sound has developed a high quality, ultra-low-cost digital hearing aid for the developing world.

23. Actually, the only existing differentiation was between developing countries (non-annex I) and developed countries (annex I

24. In some developing and developed nations, the domestic pig is usually raised outdoors in yards or fields.

25. Archenteron The primitive gut that forms during gastrulationin the developing blastulais known as the Archenteron. It develops into the digestive tract of an animal.

26. My research is a study of how Contactless payments affect spending in both developed and developing countries

27. Contributions should be comprehensive, addressing, mitigation, adaptation and the provision of support by developed to developing countries.

28. Actually, the only existing differentiation was between developing countries (non-annex I) and developed countries (annex I).

29. European corn Borer develops in the stalk and larger diameter stems and would rarely be associated with the area around developing buds and seeds

30. The Archenteron is an indentation that forms early on in a developing blastula.The Archenteron will go on to develop into either the animal's anus or mouth.The fact that this develops in two different ways is used for animal classification as either a schizocoely or an enterocoely.

31. Japan shared with developing countries new technologies it had developed and experience it had accumulated over the years

32. The digitization of trade and transport information tends to be more advanced in developed than in developing countries

33. In Canada in # developed and developing countries agreed to accelerate the freeze and the phase-out of hydrochloroflurocarbons

34. Japan shared with developing countries new technologies it had developed and experience it had accumulated over the years.

35. This programme is designed to develop students understanding of acids and Alkalis as well as developing thinking and research skills.

36. The complexity of rural development everywhere, whether in the developed or the developing world, is not always realised.

37. * Developed countries should commit clearly to significant additional financing to support both mitigation and adaptation in developing countries.

38. [Inputs to the process, including modalities for two compilations of the commitments, by developed and developing country Parties respectively.]

39. Agroforestry is a growing niche area and becoming increasingly important for sustainability in the developed and the developing world

40. In Canada in 2007, developed and developing countries agreed to accelerate the freeze and the phase-out of hydrochloroflurocarbons.

41. These freedoms are applicable to all people living under varied conditions of insecurity in developing and developed countries alike;

42. The alphabet develops.

43. Option 3: Include a long-term trajectory for developed countries that should be quantified and be an absolute number; for developing country Parties to be encouraged to develop a long-term green and low-carbon development strategy, plan or programme, as appropriate;

44. The Chorion develops villi (vascular finger-like projections) and develops into the placenta

45. The Chorion is a membrane that develops at the beginning of a pregnancy between the developing fetus and the mother and continues to grow throughout the pregnancy

46. Unscriptural Clergy Class Develops

47. A New Hope Develops

48. The developed and developing countries should address the food security issue according to the principle of common but differentiated responsibility.

49. No other developed, developing or undeveloped country has such a wealth of statistical information as India has about its people.

50. But other industrial sectors, by contrast, seem to accentuate inequalities between rich and poor, and between developed and developing countries.

51. Catalyze is an international events agency, whose focus is to help African companies develop their business into new fast developing and strategic markets

52. This is an alliance that brings together developed and developing countries, governments and industries, laboratories and institutions, in a common enterprise.

53. In the last two decades world production of electricity has roughly doubled, with the developing nations pulling towards overtaking the developed.

54. OpenGL – develops OpenGL support.

55. Develops post-deal governance and execution plans and develops KPIs to demonstrate achieved Business value

56. 6 How much money must flow from the developed world to developing countries to grease the wheels and secure their approval?

57. India's per capita emissions are very low compared to both developed as well as other large developing countries and major emitters.

58. Yet the latest wheeze among policymakers in developed countries is to alleviate poverty in developing countries with computers and mobile phones.

59. Others worry that low-cost ARVs destined for developing countries could actually end up on the black market in developed lands.

60. During the 2000s, the majority were developing country mobile network operators, but ZTE products see use in developed countries as well.

61. But while this is happening in certain societies in the developing world, it is clearly not occurring in the developed world.

62. Swimming develops our muscles.

63. Toasting Benne (sesame) seeds develops …

64. One Developing Case Conceptualizations and Treatment Plans T his book was designed to help you develop effective case conceptual - ization and treatment planning skills.

65. This study develops models aimed at describing Centrifuging and mitigates this issue by developing a MR clutch design where the fluid is encapsulated in a highly absorbent polyurethane foam.

66. Apostles Die, and Apostasy Develops

67. The divorce between labor and capital that has occurred in the developed world has not come to pass in the developing countries.

68. Light brown hair develops a warm yellow tone, while reddish-orange hair develops deeper Brassy strokes

69. The positive image developed by India assists the Indian industry in projecting itself as viable and technologically sound partners of developing countries.

70. This principle helps the developing country members, including the least developed country members among them, easily participate in the world trade system.

71. Thus the management of forests on a global basis constitutes an agent of environmental change in both the developed and developing world.

72. The fetus develops in secret.

73. Developing Bimetallic catalysts is a practical and important method to develop highly coke‐resistant Ni‐based catalysts for DRM and there has been significant research …

74. Bifaces was developed by Infineon with the intent of allowing application engineers and automotive users to develop application notes and demonstration software

75. Some people develop the symptoms of Alcoholism after only months of heavy drinking, whereas other alcoholics may drink heavily for years before developing the disease.

76. Agronomic Sciences This concentration develops agronomists

77. Tokyo University develops organic flash memory

78. Gluten develops elasticity in a dough.

79. The Branchial (or pharyngeal) apparatus is the complex region in the developing embryo between the head and chest that develops in the fourth week and provides bilateral ridges and valleys that subsequently develop into numerous anatomic structures of the head, face, palate and anterior neck.The development of structures from the apparatus helps explain the complex cranial nerve distribution

80. The bud develops into a flower.